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Dr. Drys Dantas, O. D and Dr. Erika Miura O. D are ophthalmologist doctors who made a pledge of professional excellence to better help their patients. Their commitment is to provide a pleasant environment, with qualified professionals, where you can do all major exams can be done in time, without complications or waste of time. In and out of the clinic, both partners of MD Oftalmo have more than 20 years of experience to assist you in a personalized way and care for your eye health.

Medical graduate from the School of medical science at Campinas State University FCM-UNICAMP

Medical residency in ophthalmology through FCM-UNICAMP

Specialist in ophthalmology through FCM-UNICAMP, Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology (CBO) and the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB)

Member of Brazilian Society of Eye Plastic Surgery


Member of Brazilian Society of Pediatric Ophthalmology

Dr. Drys Dantas

CRM-DF: 11260

Dra. Erika Miura

CRM-DF: 11309

Medical Graduate from Goiás Medical University

Internship at University of Miami, Florida, USA

Medical Residency in Ophthalmology Campinas State University

Internship at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, England

Specialist in ophthalmology by Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology (CBO) and the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB)

Member of Brazilian Society of eye plastic surgery

Member of Brazilian Society of Pediatric Ophthalmology


Can I stop wearing glasses?

Refractive surgery has always evolved. We can talk about the risks and benefits of various surgical techniques and other options like contact lenses.

If I wear the glasses will I get addicted to it?

Usually what happens is that we appreciate a lot more of the good vision provided by the glasses than the old blurry one.

If I see well, do I need to consult each year?

Yes. Many people think they are seeing well, but only find the deficiency in a formal test. During the exam we also looked for diseases that initially did not cause many symptoms, such as glaucoma.

Does it fit my Convenant?

We comply with several covenants. Visit the Appointments page and check out the full list to find out if we serve yours. If you do not find your agreement in the list, we will also attend private. Call and make your appointment.

If I don't wear the glasses will my grade increase?

In general, ametropia increases for a few years and then stabilizes regardless of the use of glasses.

I made the glasses and I'm not feeling well, is it the degree?

Elements other than grade, such as mounting and centering, make it difficult to fit the glasses. Return to your doctor for an evaluation.

Does the surgery hurt?

To perform any surgical procedure the patient is sedated. With the principle of providing the best patient care, we strive to provide every comfort before, during and after each procedure, making your experience as pleasant as possible.

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